Sitemap - 2023 - Great CTOs Focus on Outcomes

Santa wears red, white and black, right?

CTO: The most demanding position in the modern enterprise

Applying strategic thinking to applications of AI in the AI gold rush

Learning prioritised: How we used 'Boot camps' for newly formed teams

Anti-pattern: OKRs as bureaucratic red-tape

Odd contradiction: Focusing only on delivery optimisation is sometimes enough

Instinctual time-saving wastes the most time.

The 'quick wins' fallacy

Humane organisational change

Has leading-edge Software as a Service (SaaS) development moved beyond agile?

Are today's organisations more focused on delivering value?

About the book 'Measure What Matters'...

Hypothesis: improving quality of consumer Technology raises UX expectations of corporate software.

Moving from Outputs to Outcomes means changing how you understand progress.

What to do when we've shrunk?

Edited: Leadership measure - The Rate of Pleasant Surprise

Does your team feel like they are 'in control'?

Strategic pillars are a goal-setting antipattern

Technical teams must be more disciplined to be as effective as others

When the impact a team can make diminishes

How different forms of jargon can alienate

Begin with the end in mind, act on your present

Don't feed the beast

Examples of strategic choices in product development

Easily obtainable information can skew how you invest your time and effort.

Improving OKRs

Substack Notes: Lets be frank, this is an experiment...

Are you optimising for your own convenience?

Using a game to foster safe and engaging conversations about responsibilities within teams.

Are we the baddies?

Early on a journey prioritise learning for greater impact over the long-term